24-HOUR SERVICE Monday-Saturday for all customers | Sunday service for PutmanPlus Members only after 1 pm

24-hour Service
Monday-Saturday, Sunday after 1 pm


Filmy dishes again? You could have hard water.

If you just can’t seem to get your dishes clean no matter how many times you run the dishwasher, you’re not alone. Hard water is a common issue for many Frederick County residents, and without proper treatment, it can dull your clothing, make your appliances work less efficiently, and can

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Plumbing Upgrades Make Great Gifts

Still trying to think of what to buy someone special, but don’t want something that will lose its novelty after a month? The perfect gift should last much longer, so consider adding some luxury to your Frederick County home with some plumbing upgrades. Every Morning at the Spa Skip the gift certificate

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Do I Have Hard Water?

Do your clothes seem to fade quickly? Are your showers not as hot as you’d like for them to be? Are your clean dishes covered in a film? If so, you could be dealing with hard water. Hard water contains a buildup of mineral content usually consisting of magnesium and calcium ions,

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