24-HOUR SERVICE Monday-Saturday for all customers | Sunday service for PutmanPlus Members only after 1 pm

24-hour Service
Monday-Saturday, Sunday after 1 pm


Scary Plumbing Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

As we approach October in Frederick County, you may be making plans to head to one of the spooky seasonal activities nearby. Whether you’re heading to Zombie Paintball at Crumland Farms, a Ghost Tour at Brewer’s Alley, or going to see Into the Woods at Frederick Community College, we hope

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4 Plumbing Myths Your Mother May Have Told You

It’s hard to comprehend that things you’ve been told for years about home maintenance could be wrong. But when it comes to the plumbing system in your Frederick County home, it’s best to believe the experts in order to prevent damage. Here are a few assumptions our Putman Plumbing customers have had

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