On April 1, 2007, Google posted a link on their home page to a site that offered free wireless Internet to consumers through their home plumbing system. In a mock press release, Google’s co-founder stated that this up-and-coming technology would be “leading the way through the sewers, up out of your toilet and — splat — right onto your PC.” He even went on to say that this TiSP (Toilet internet Service Provider) would be available in three speeds: Trickle, The No. 2, and Royal Flush.
Google was obviously playing the ultimate plumbing April Fool’s joke – one that would be hard to beat. But there are other funny ways to play tricks on people with plumbing. Just remember to steer clear of the ones that can cause actual leaks or damage to fixtures — and make sure that the members of your household have a good sense of humor before trying any of these!
Place a rubber band around your kitchen sink sprayer.
When the faucet is turned off, it won’t do anything. But as soon as your husband or wife turns it on, they’ll be soaked!
Put petroleum jelly on the toilet seat.
Your loved one will be slipping and sliding as soon as they sit down. Just make sure that when you wipe off the goop, you dispose of the paper cloths into the waste can and not the toilet. Both the jelly and paper towels can cause clogs.
Adjust the shower head.
If you have an adjustable shower head, point it toward the outside of the tub. When someone comes in and bends down to adjust the water temperature for their shower, they’ll get a big surprise.
And of course there are other non-plumbing jokes that are great to play on kids. When you pack their lunch, replace all the Cheetos with carrot sticks, or scrape out the filling in their Oreos and replace it with mayonnaise (but only if their lunch has an ice pack in it to keep it from spoiling). At dinner, place a small piece of plastic wrap under the salt shaker lid, and laugh while they shake and shake because nothing comes out. Or serve them cupcakes for dessert, but make the “cake” with meatloaf and the “icing” with mashed potatoes. You might want to have a REAL dessert waiting for them.
Enjoy the laughs, but if you find yourself with a not-so-funny plumbing problem, give Putman Plumbing a call!