Children may draw, color, or glue things on a poster that shows ways they can conserve water (all posters must be no larger than a standard poster-board).
Examples include:
-Never leave water running while brushing your teeth.
-Take shorter showers.
-Play in the sprinkler as it waters the lawn.
-Fully load the dishwasher before running it.
-Use energy-efficient appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and tankless water heaters.
The purpose of this contest is to allow local children to show off their artistic talents while displaying their families’ commitment to conserving water. One winner from each of three different age groups will win a $50 Barnes and Noble Gift Card, and the winners’ posters will be displayed in Putman’s offices. Age groups include Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, and Grades 6-8.
Entries must be delivered by May 31 to Putman Plumbing at 3596 Colebrook Ct, Middletown, MD. Or if you need us to come pick it up, just call us at 301-371-4395 and we’ll send one of our trucks over.
We look forward to seeing some wonderful posters from young conservationists in our community!
Official Rules:
All entries must be submitted with the following information attached or clearly displayed on the back
of the poster:
- Artist’s first and last name
- Grade of artist and name of school attending
- Parents’ names
- Parents’ telephone number
- Parents’ email address
Winners will be selected for both artistic skills displayed as well as portrayal of their water saving methods. The decisions of the judges are final. Winners will be contacted to receive their gift cards and participate in a photo session with their winning poster.